Friday 9 February 2018

The Best 30 Minutes Of My Holiday.

Do you have a beach house? Well I do and it is in the Bay of Islands.

All of my family got ready and went downstairs to the beach. My cousins picked us up on there dingi to go to there rented yacht. My cousins, sisters and I jumped off the boat it was so refreshing. We went to a sea trampoline next to the bay where we were staying. One of my cousins went at the end of the pillow bit of the sea tramp and someone jumped onto it, my cousin went flying in the air “boom” he crashed into the water it looked sooo funny. I tried to do it but I slipped all the time. Maybe next time I will be able to do it.


  1. What an amazing adventure you had in the holidays, I would have loved to see the Sea Trampoline in action.

  2. great story hannah
