for the past few days we have been working on a puzzle because we are all piece of a puzzle here is what it is looking like
can't wait till it is finished
I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Thursday, 13 December 2018
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
5 Facts About Kimbra
This term we have been doing passport tasks in topic here is 5 facts about a New Zealand artist.
In the past few weeks we have been learning about symmetry here is my slideshow.
Monday, 10 December 2018
Friday, 7 December 2018
Graduation Mass
On Wednesday it was the Graduation mass celebrating the year six leaving Good Shepherd. It was very sad to watch, also the year fives got a candle for next year for being a year six. The mass that we went to was the last mass of the year. I am so excited for next year!
Silhouette Christmas Card
Today in room six we have been doing some Christmas cards for our family and used pastels and masking tape to make it here is mine.
Friday, 30 November 2018
This week in math we have been learning about cemetery and have been making logos and they have to have at least one line of cemetery here is one of mine.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Saint Peters Orchestra
Today Saint Peters orchestra came to Good Shepherd and performed. The string group performed two pieces and the brass performed a few pieces. This was a pleasure to listen to. My favorite song that they played was pink panther. hope they come next year!
(shout out to Arnie)
(shout out to Arnie)
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Eating Bugs
I am learning to persuade my audience using persuasive writing and emotive words
Term 4, Hannah Saunders
Are you sick and tired of the same boring meal every night? Don’t like the dinner that your lovely Mum has provided for you? Well now you have an exciting meal for dinner that includes crunchy delicious bugs. You can even make the dinner yourself with some creative cooking. There are lots of benefits when eating bugs such as bugs are healthy, low in fat and high in protein. You can make lots of tasty treats with recipes from all over the world. Did you know that bugs and insects could taste good and sweet? Well they can be tasty with many different types of recipes like, scorpion lollipops, chocolate covered crickets and mealworm fries, these are just a few magnificent bug ideas. These bugs are especially flavorful and you can have them on the go! So why not try a bug or insect and see how it tastes? Not only are there bugs that are a tasty treat but they are a healthy option as well.
A bug a day keeps the doctor away! So it is silly not to eat them, these creatures are high in vitamins and minerals also there is as much protein as beef. These bugs are low in calories so you can eat them all day. In my opinion you should definitely try an insect one day because their are many great benefits towards eating them. My challenge for you is to try one today. If you are still feeling sick when you think about eating a bug then jazz things up with some creative cooking.
Ice cream, pizza, fries what do these all have in common, yes they are all very delicious. If you are thinking that insects are to plain and gross on its own then you can get some creative recipes that include insects. These recipes hide the flavor of the healthy bugs and make them delicious just like pizza. Once you get home from school you can get creative and search up some bug recipes like wax worm tacos, caramel cricket cheesecake and others. As you can see bugs can be very delicious.
Finally you can see that there are many reasons why people should cook with insects. Insects are are a super way to try new things! And not only are bugs a tasty treat but are a healthy option as well. Also you can be creative when you are cooking with them. In my opinion I think everybody should cook with insects or try one today!
Kapa Haka
Mana, power and pride would be a few words to describe the feeling as the Good Shepherd School Kapa Haka group took the stage. During the weekend a large group of year 5 and 6 students took to the stage to perform at the Eden Albert Cultural Festival. There were a few nerves before we started but once we were underway the excitement of performing kicked in. We felt proud as a team to perform for so many people. Kia Kaha! The highlight of Kapa Haka for me was the song called hareruia Because it sounds really nice when everybody is there.
Friday, 23 November 2018
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
Week 5 was non stop for Room 6 with athletics, kapa haka and irish dancing. But it was also our final assembly for the year, and for some of us our final assembly at Good Shepherd School. This was the perfect time for us to share some of our talents and learning. We had been focusing on New Zealand music through our passport tasks so it was only fitting to pick a kiwi classic; Six Months in a Leaky Boat by Split Enz (written in 1982). We sung along to the words and put some of groovy moves together to create a dance. Throughout the year one of our favourite activities was reading Chris Gurney’s books during book week. Chris has written so many wonderful and humourous traditional tales with a kiwi voice. We absolutely adore her books, so for our assembly we presented a Readers Theatre: Trev and the Kauri Tree.

The harder the battle the sweeter the victory!
All of Good Shepherd School piled into buses as we headed to Three Kings Fields for the annual Athletics Day event. We had been training for weeks and we were ready to take on our peers and to compete for a placing. The events were running, long jump, high jump, discus and shot put. My favorite event was high jump because I came third place with 1.11 mitres.
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Saint slideshow
Our focus this term in Religious Education was the Communion of Saints. We learnt about the three parts of the Communion of Saints and how we are all connected. The Communion of Saints is bonded through prayer, baptism and the Eucharist. this is My slideshow on Joan of Arc
Monday, 5 November 2018
Year 5 Retreat
Last week all of the year fives went to retreat. witch was all souls day as well so we prayed for all the souls at the start of the day. We also did a treasure hunt and a leaf hunt. the leaf hunt was when they gave you a leaf to find the tree that it belonged to. This retreat was for the year fives to prepare for year six. This experience was so much fun I am so glad that I went to this retreat.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Communion Of Saints
In Religious Education we have been learning about the three stages in life witch are Living, Purgatory and Heaven. by learning about this we were tied together by tape this was so much fun.
Monday, 29 October 2018
Success Critreria
In writing, we have been learning to write a persuasive piece of writing. We have been co- constructed our success criteria together. Here is our introduction criteria check list.
Friday, 26 October 2018
All saints day
For the past few days in room 6 we have done paper weaving for Religious Education. We have learnt about when all saints day is and when all souls day is. All saints day is on Nov 1st and All souls day is on Nov 2nd. Here is my paper weaving.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Today Bigfoot came to Good Shepherd and taught us some safety tips and taught us some signals on a bike. Bigfoot is a company that teaches kids how to be safe on a bike. We learnt three legal requirements witch is a helmet,red reflector, and two working brakes.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Kia Kaha Waka
This week and we have been learning about Kia Kaha witch is a bully free program that we do every second year in Good Shepherd School. We will continue this throughout the term. here is the waka, everyone has made themselves on a piece of paper and stuck it on this waka here it is.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Kia Kaha
This week we have been learning about Kia Kaha witch is a bully free program that we do every second year in Good Shepherd School. And here is a shield that we have made of differences and similarities that we have, here is mine.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Throughout this term every Friday we have been learning about Mandarin. The whole school has been learning it. Last week we learnt how to say our name in Mandarin! thanks to Miss Lee we can learn the amazing Mandarin! Here is my name in chinese
Monday, 24 September 2018
The Problem Solving Challenge
throughout the year, some year fives and six got picked for the problem solving challenge and I was one of them. The problem solving challenge is for years seven and eight and I am year five, here is a certificate that I got.
Maori Hangi
In room 6 we have all been learning about Maori Hangi, my friends and I have made a slideshow on How to make a Hangi and explained what it is. Hope you enjoy and learn something!
Friday, 21 September 2018
God Is Faithful
This week in room six we have been learning about God and his covenant in Religious Education. We will continue learning about God throughout the weeks. Here is my title page on God is faithful.
Cultural Week
This week the whole school have been learning about a different languages, everyone from each class performed something to the school. In my class I have been learning Japanese we all performed a fan dance, the color song and a body part song all of us had a great time! can't wait for it next year.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
The Kiwi
By Hannah
I am learning to inform my audience through an information report
What is a national animal of New Zealand that struggles to fly? Yes, it is the very rare New Zealand Kiwi. Did you know in New Zealand there used to be about 12 million Kiwis and now there is only approximately 100,000 left! Many people think that there is only one species of Kiwi but there is actually 5 different types of Kiwis, the North Island Brown Kiwi, Tokoeka, Rowi, Great Spotted Kiwi and Little Spotted Kiwi. Kiwis are about the size of a chicken though the female is 20% larger than the male. The kiwi is known for its not so good eyesight, so this means that other senses are better. Especially their sense of smell that helps them find their food for their habitat that keeps them safe from predators.
Imagine eating worms everyday for breakfast and dinner, that would be gross. That is what kiwis eat though. But they don’t eat just worms they eat a crazy range of food like eels and frogs, they even eat more disgusting things like small crayfish, seeds, grubs, amphibians and fruit but not kiwi fruit. If you were wondering if the kiwi is a carnivore, omnivore or a herbivore, well kiwis eat both meat and plants so it is a omnivore. Everyone needs to drink water, right? Well kiwis don’t need to drink water because they eat earthworms and they are 85% water! Once they find their food they obviously need somewhere to go to eat or rest after a feast, they need a habitat that will provide not only their meals but somewhere safe.
Home sweet home, everyone has somewhere to live that meet their needs, this is known as a habitat. A habitat provides all the needs that a animal in the animal kingdom need. A habitat is were an animal or living organism lives. So what is the Kiwis habitat? Kiwis are native to New Zealand and are pretty adaptable as they live in a range of places all over New Zealand. Kiwis can also not fly so they're habitat have got to be low on the ground. These native new Zealand birds are quite shy and only come out in the night so they are nocturnal. Kiwi are mainly brown in color this is to blend in with the habitat and background, this is known as camouflage. This physical adaptation is used to protect itself against predators.
Did you know that the kiwi has a strong musty smell that can attract their predators. When New Zealand brought kiwis in to the country they're were no warm blooded predators but now they're are stoats, cats, dogs, ferrets, possums, pigs, hedgehogs, rodents and weasels. How does the Kiwi survive! Well the kiwi has a feature that helps them fight witch is razor sharp claws! But not only animals are killing them but us humans are too. We are animal testing these amazing Kiwis.
As you can see the kiwi is a unique bird that belongs in New Zealand . To keep the Kiwi alive we need to provide a habitat with food and keep them away from their vicious predators. The Kiwi is awesome creature that needs to be protected. The Kiwi is the national bird of New Zealand and we need to make sure the Kiwi is around for a long long time. We must understand the Kiwi’s needs to keep these Kiwis safe.
Monday, 10 September 2018
Animal Adaptations
In room 6 we have been making our own posters about adaptations. We all had to design our own bird with all the features that a bird has and put the meaning why they chose it. we also had to do different activities on animal adaptations. here is my poster
Sunday, 9 September 2018
Social Justice Week
This week it has been social justice week and In room 6 we watched a video on fear "n"square this is for being fear and kind to one and other. this is a worksheet that I have done.
Monday, 3 September 2018
weather predictions
In room 6 for maths we have been learning about temperature everyone has made a slide show about there temperature predictions throughout the weeks, here is mine hope you enjoy.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Mini BB Fair
At Good Shepherd School 2018 we had a Mini BB Fair, we had a Mini BB Fair to raise money for a mural on the power box outside the school. at the Mini BB Fair there were a few stalls that had books and baking. all of the students rushed outside to get the delicious food and books. we all had a great time, thank you Good Shepherd School!!
Grandparents Mass
On Friday 24th August 2018 we celebrated Grandparents Mass with our grandparents, family/whanau and the whole school. We first went to mass to celebrate with Father Bernard Kyle, who blessed our dear Grandparent with a blessing and we sung a special song to them. When mass was finished our PTA team prepared a treat for us. There was lots of sweet and coffee/tea to sip on. By the time the that all the food was finished it was then time to perform some dances for our audience. The groups that performed were the Sheridan Kapa Haka, Choir, folk dancing, Ukulele and Irish Dancing. That was a joyful day that we would always remember. We are blessed to have such special people in our lives.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Beak science experiment
Pointed beak, flat beak and pelican beak are all the types of beaks we used for this discovery.But these things are also known as forceps, tongs and cups. First we learnt about the meanings of the words we need to know like, aim. Aim means trying to achieve something in the experiment we were trying to see what shape beak is the best for picking up food. And we learnt what will we change( the equipment), What we will measure ( the amount of food) and how we will keep it a fair test. The way we can make it a fair test by having a nice steady surface, by having the same person doing each type of food also by having the same amount of time of 30 seconds. We had an amazing time experimenting with rice, peppercorns, gummy worms and skittles and after we got to eat LOLLIES. Thank you Miss Down for this amazing experiment.
Monday, 27 August 2018
M&M Challenge
Last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we did the M&M challenge. The class got into groups with one leader in each group. Miss Down gave us some M&M’s and we had to count how many we had and next figured how much M&M’s our group had. After we found out how many M&M’s we all had many people realised that some people had a very small amount of M&M’s while others had about 50. The next thing we did was counting how much of red we had then blue then yellow until we had finished alll the colours we had. When we did everything Miss Down told us to share all the M&M’s equally with our group and everyone in the class gott 41 M&M’s each! We have put our information on a poster.
My cross
In good shepherd we have been doing a cross each for the fence that will stay there forever. All of the crosses are made out of wood and we all had to paint patterns or something to do with Religious Education and here is mine.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Personal Profile
Monday, 13 August 2018
St Mary Mackillop Feast Day
Yesterday was the feast day of Saint Mary Mackillop. We started our day attending our parish mass to celebrate her feast day as a whole community. All the students came back from mass to continue the celebrations by joining our buddy class. Room 4 and 6 together came together to work on paper dolls of ourselves. We know St Mary of the Cross always supported and helped all the children in need. We made a large St Mary MacKillop and we placed all out paper dolls of ourselves around her. Then we were all very lucky to receive a free sausage sizzle from the PTA to continue the celebrations at lunch. In the afternoon we then got to go and play a range of fun games with our buddy class. This was such a fun day working along each other but most of all having fun. Happy Saint Mary MacKillop Feast Day.
Here is our mural…
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Yesterday two teams from good shepherd went to the Netball Eden Albert tournament. I am in the year five team and we came first place and got the trophy. Good job to all of the netball teams for going to the tournament and good luck for next year!
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
In Maori we have been learning about a Whakatauki
A Whakatauki
is a proverb, what is truly valued in the Maori Culture.
the Whakatauki that we have been learning about is if we all shared then no one would go without.
We would be able to provide for all that come to us.
There are also Proverbs in the Bible that encourage us to share.
Read these proverbs : Proverbs 19:17; 22:9; 31:20.
Jesus also showed us the teachings of God when he feed the multitudes of people with the fish and the loaves. Read more about this in the Gospel of John: 6 or the Gospel of Matthew: 14.

Evolution Animals
In Room 6 we have been learning to classify animals. scientist classify animals and plants into groups in order to easily identify, sort, and name them.
90% of animals are Invertebrates!, Tend to be small because they don't have a backbone. Many live in the ocean because the water helps support there weight. Some have a hard covering shell on the outside of their bodies for protection, Insects, spiders, crabs, snails, clams
Friday, 27 July 2018
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Figurative Language
Idiom, hyperbole, alliteration, metaphor, onomatopoeia, similes and personification. These are all language features which we call figurative language. In reading we have been learning about these language features and how authors used them in their writing to make their work engaging and add interest for their audience. We made posters either with paper pencils or flowers with examples Idiom, hyperbole, alliteration, metaphor, onomatopoeia, similes and personification.
Science Roadshow
Last week on Thursday the year 5 and 6 students of Good Shepherd School went to Edendale Primary School to experience the Science Roadshow! We learnt so much about ice and fire, the human body and other things that are related to science. We enjoyed watching the hosts do fascinating experiments like dropping an 8 ball into the metal stick with a hoop attached to it, before they dipped it into the liquid nitrogen the ball could thread through the hoop, but after they dipped the stick into the liquid nitrogen the ball couldn’t fit!
We had a lot of fun, and recommend that everyone goes to the Science Roadshow if they get a chance.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Last week Good Shepherd School performed, ‘Zip Zip Zap Avenue’. We packed the school hall with our family and friends as the rain fell. Most of GSS students were in the holding classrooms covered in make-up and sitting in our toy costumes.
It was a fantastic experience for us all, we learnt a lot about performing and all the work that goes on in the background. We was a wonderful opportunity and it wouldn’t of been possible without the support of everyone working together just like the lego blocks.
Last week Good Shepherd School performed, ‘Zip Zip Zap Avenue’. We packed the school hall with our family and friends as the rain fell. Most of GSS students were in the holding classrooms covered in make-up and sitting in our toy costumes.
Zip Zip Zap Avenue is a about a Toy Shop that comes alive once one of the main characters, the Shopkeeper closed up the shop and turned off the light. The toys would then come alive when all the people were asleep, like the the families that visited the toyshop looking for the perfect gifts. This certain night at the toyshop the celebration was for Buzz the Bee, he had left the shelf of the toy shop and all his friends came out to celebrate him with dances. The main toy friends were Thing 1, Thing 2, Tiki, Spiderman, Cabbage Patch Doll, Woody, Strawberry Shortcake, and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. The main characters introduced the classes as they came in as their selected toy and danced for buzz.
The first dance was the boys and girls of Room 3 and 4 who were transformers, this was a great and powerful way to start the show. Room 5 then twirled onto the stage as Barbie and Ken dancing to Barbie girl. Things got a little spooky as the trolls of Room 7 came out in the middle of the night to the song Thriller. We weren’t too scared for long as the fairies in Room 3 and 4 came out dancing away in their gorgeous fair dresses. And just when you thought things couldn’t get any cuter the teddy bears from Room 1 and 2 went on their teddy bear picnic. Room 8 then showed us what teamwork is with their awesome lego outfit and very cool song … Everything is awesome! Next up were the Kiwi toy, with great costumes for the kiwi birds and the wonderful performance of the Poi Dancers. And finally it was our turn, Room 6 spun onto the stage as Rubix Cubes dancing to You Spin Me Right Around. 
It was a fantastic experience for us all, we learnt a lot about performing and all the work that goes on in the background. We was a wonderful opportunity and it wouldn’t of been possible without the support of everyone working together just like the lego blocks.
Book Week
It's week 8 and it is the bookworms favourite week of the year! Book week! A lot of things happened this week. The library was jam packed full of books and other cool stuff like pencils and rubbers, authors and poets were visiting the school, the book parade was on Friday where we were able to show off our costumes of our favourite book character!
Monday we were in groups competing against one another as we did a literacy quiz! There were 30 questions and three topics. Each question we got right earned us a point! And, we all had to pick a topic where we DOUBLED our points.
The next day Tasman Flinn visited the school. We all sat in the hall and sat on the chairs while she showed us her poems and talked about poetry.
Then on Thursday, all of us year 5 and 6s went to Room 2 so we could see Chris Gurney. She talked about her books and how to make a book. And she picked a few volunteers to act out a play, based off her own book called “Cindy And The Lost Jandal” (Miss Down’s favourite book).
Then on Friday, we all dressed up in our favourite book characters, and finished off the week with the book parade! Where we showed off our amazing costumes on the stage.
Then on Friday, we all dressed up in our favourite book characters, and finished off the week with the book parade! Where we showed off our amazing costumes on the stage.
We all had so much fun during book week. Thank God for books!
Seed crackers
In Room Six we have been learning about how we can stay healthy and have a well balanced diet. For a healthy class treat we made seed crackers. Here is our recipe
Ingredients:½ cup Sunflower seeds
½ cup Pumpkin seeds
¼ cup Sesame seeds
¼ cup Poppy seeds
¼ cup Linseed/flaxseed seeds
¼ cup chia seeds
½ tsp sea salt
1 cup water
1 sprinkle of flaky sea salt, to sprinkle
Heat oven to 170C. Place all the seeds and the salt in a bowl, pour in water and mix to combine. Leave for 15 minutes for the chia and flax seeds to soften and bind everything together. Tip out onto a baking paper-lined oven tray and spread out as thin as possible (around 4mm thick) and sprinkle with some flaky sea salt. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and slice into crackers, then return to the oven to cook for another 20-30 minutes until crisp and golden. Remove to a rack to cool then store in an airtight container. Now your crackers are ready to eat.
Heat oven to 170C. Place all the seeds and the salt in a bowl, pour in water and mix to combine. Leave for 15 minutes for the chia and flax seeds to soften and bind everything together. Tip out onto a baking paper-lined oven tray and spread out as thin as possible (around 4mm thick) and sprinkle with some flaky sea salt. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and slice into crackers, then return to the oven to cook for another 20-30 minutes until crisp and golden. Remove to a rack to cool then store in an airtight container. Now your crackers are ready to eat.
On the last week of school we are going to be having a Healthy Food Party - Veggie Con on Monday the 2nd July, everybody will bring healthy food for us to eat as a shared lunch. Check out our blogs for family favourites or healthy recipes we searched.
The Royal Jelly Show
On Tuesday 29 of May the whole of Good Shepherd gathered in the hall to watch a show called “The Royal Jelly”. It gave us a lot of facts about bees and was really funny. Also three students were lucky enough to participate in the show answering questions from the “mayor”. Over all the show was fun and interesting and we all learned a lot.
Monday, 11 June 2018
A Well Balance Diet
During our health inquiry we have been learning about a well balanced diet. We created a definition using a solo define map. Here is our definition:
A balanced diet is eating the right types of food that gives your body the nutrients to function correctly. To get proper nutritions from your diet you need to eat a healthy diet that contains the proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. You need to eat a well balanced diet to maintain good health and to help you feel your best.
A balanced diet is eating the right types of food that gives your body the nutrients to function correctly. To get proper nutritions from your diet you need to eat a healthy diet that contains the proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. You need to eat a well balanced diet to maintain good health and to help you feel your best.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Cross Country
It was the Fifth of June. Everyone a bit blue after the end of a long 4 day weekend, and here we are, starting the week off with cross country! Everyone came in their sports uniform. And from the morning up until lunch time, us students were running the Cross Country track.
We raced in year levels, so the year 1's raced with each other and so on. Those young bunches got to only run 1 lap. While us big kids had to run 2 and a half laps! Doesn't seem that much until you add the fact we had to jog all the way up Telford Ave and back twice! It was fun being competitive and racing your friends and other people. Everyone was bursting with positive energy.
Lining up before heading to the track is where the nervousness starts to kick in. We made our way to the netball court and stretched, a bit after that the year 6 girls started running. A few minutes later it was OUR turn to run the track. We all lined up and Mrs Mcleod told us where to go, then after that, we were off. Everyone seemed extremely exhausted at the end, but finishing the race was so relieving.
Lining up before heading to the track is where the nervousness starts to kick in. We made our way to the netball court and stretched, a bit after that the year 6 girls started running. A few minutes later it was OUR turn to run the track. We all lined up and Mrs Mcleod told us where to go, then after that, we were off. Everyone seemed extremely exhausted at the end, but finishing the race was so relieving.
Monday, 28 May 2018
Afio mai to Samoan language Week.
The cultural leaders opened the week with their national costume and dance.
In room 6 we have been exploring the Samoan Cultural with general facts. We searched for our fact card around the room and collected information for our Jigsaw Reading Hunt.
Next our Samoan experts in class gave us a lesson on greetings and phrases in Samoan.
Then we moved onto counting to ten in Samoan for maths before finishing our maths session with a clapping game in Samoan.
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